Diabetes: 6 Common Myths and Facts

Diabetes: 6 Common Myths and Facts

There are many myths surrounding diabetes that are commonly reported as facts. These misrepresentations of diabetes can sometimes be harmful and misleading, especially for those living with diabetes.

We debunked some common misconceptions about diabetes and presented interesting facts to counter them that you should know.

Myth 1: Diabetes is caused by sugar

Fact: There are 2 main types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes is not caused by sugar intake; it occurs when insulin is inadequate or not produced in the body. Insulin helps utilize sugar coming from food effectively.

Type 2 diabetes is more complex and occurs when the body can’t make enough insulin or can’t properly use the insulin it makes. Several factors, such as lifestyle and genes, also cause it. If you’re overweight, obese, physically inactive, or have an elevated waist circumference, you’re most likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Myth 2: People living with diabetes should only eat a particular kind of meal

Fact: There's no specific kind of food for people with diabetes.

People living with diabetes can eat a variety of meals. You don’t need to eat specific types of food daily, as eating patterns for people with type 2 diabetes should promote healthy eating. The general principle is to incorporate more vegetables, moderate amounts of starchy carbohydrates, moderate amounts of healthy protein and limit added sugars and highly processed meals.

Myth 3: People living with diabetes have to eat bitter things to reduce their blood sugar.

Fact: People living with diabetes are not required to eat bitter things to lower their blood sugar.

This is a common misconception; eating bitter things does not lower blood sugar. When food is eaten, it is broken down into sugar. Different food classes (carbohydrates, fat and protein) raise blood sugar. However, what raises blood sugar the most is carbohydrates. Eating for people living with diabetes should be interesting and also improve the overall quality of life.

Myth 4: Type 1 Diabetes is caused by poor diet

Fact: Type 1 Diabetes is not caused by poor diet.

People living with type 1 diabetes cannot produce insulin, the hormone responsible for effectively handling sugar in the body. People living with type 1 diabetes require insulin injections to control their blood sugar effectively. A poor eating pattern would exacerbate the complications that come with diabetes.

Myth 5: People living with diabetes need to cut out carbs from meals.

Fact: You do not have to completely remove carbohydrates from your diet.

Consuming moderate amounts of carbohydrates is part of a healthy diet, and you must learn the best way to balance what you should eat and how much you should eat. Learn all you need to know about carbohydrates and diabetes here.

Myth 6: With diabetes, I would be on medication for the rest of my life.

Fact: With diabetes, you don’t have to be on medication for the rest of your life.

The use of medications for the management of diabetes is essential in ensuring good blood sugar control and in preventing complications. Lifestyle modification (diet, physical activity, stress management) is the first line of management in diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes can go into diabetes remission if they lose about 7-10% of their weight.

Ultimately, diabetes is a complex disease, and there are many different theories about what causes it and how it should be treated. Seeking medical attention can reduce risk and help manage diabetes effectively. With Platos Health, you get convenient access to a care team with a doctor and dietitian to guide you as you make lifestyle modifications.

Understanding your condition and tracking biomarkers such as HbA1c, weight, and blood pressure helps you become more self-reliant and empowers you to take charge of your health.

Join Platos now for a unique experience and form healthier habits that make you healthier and happier.